Dr. D'Antonio is Adjunct Professor of Acoustics at the Cleveland Institute of Music since 1991. In addition, he offers seminars at all universities with acoustical
Dr. D'Antonio is currently providing research oversight for several masters and doctoral students at international universities.
Masters Thesis Mentoring:
2008-2009 M.S. Architectural Acoustics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY.
M.S. Thesis A synthesized aperture goniometer for diffusion coefficient measurements
Advisors: Dr. Ning Xiang and Dr. Peter D'Antonio
This research addresses the challenges of implementing a measurement apparatus to quantify
material diffusion coefficients. A 72 point, semi-circular microphone array and required
signal processing is implemented.
2010-2011 University of Southhampton, Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, Institute of Sound and Vibration Research
M.S. Thesis Measurment of the Random-Incidence Scattering Coefficient
Advisors: Dr. David Thompson and Dr. Peter D'Antonio
This research designed and constructed a rotating table apparatus for scattering coefficient measurement in the reverberant field and developed a reverberation time software package with a noise compensation algorithm tailored for the separation of specular and diffuse reflections.
Doctoral Thesis Mentoring:
Dr. D'Antonio is collaborating with Professor Gary Siebein on the thesis committee for Hassan Azad at the University of Florida School of Architecture Grad School to validate both theoretical frameworks of diffusion and developing computer modeling methods to accurately predict sound diffusion in spaces - currently only very rough estimates are able to be made.
Dr. D'Antonio has collaborated with Professors Lily Want and Sit-Kit Lau on the thesis committee for Carl R. Hart who received his Ph.D. in May 1984 from the University of Nebraska with the title "On A Time-Domain Method for the Prediction of Scattering by Acoustic Diffusors".
Dr. D'Antonio has collaborated with Dr. Jamie Angus and Dr. Trevor Cox at Salford University on the thesis committee for Konstantinos Dadiotis, whose Ph.D. thesis entitled "Improving phase grating and absorption grating diffusers" was accepted in 2010.
Corporate and AIA/CES Seminars
Dr. D'Antonio offers a wide variety of workshops and seminars to corporate, architectural and acoustical firms. We invite you to view a list of workshops, seminars and GoToMeetings